Introduce Your Students to Waves,
    Ultrasound, and Medical Imaging,
    using our safe, hand held device.

What is the Ultrasound Science Kit?

The Ultrasound Science Kit is a unique “hands on,” learning tool for students that stimulates classroom discussion, and helps prepare them for collegiate and career pathways in physics, engineering, medical sciences, and more…

Physics and Engineering

- Learn about ultrasound, sound waves, and the differences between continuous and pulsed ultrasound devices.
- Collect, analyze, discuss and interpret data to accurately measure sound speed in different materials.
- Learn how ultrasound can be used to produced cross-sectional images.
- Use ultrasound to identify and quantify hidden material defects.

Anatomy, Physiology and Health

- Learn and discuss how ultrasound is used to produce anatomical cross-sectional images.
- Capture, and analyze cross-sectional scans to identify fat and muscle layers.

Students will learn why ultrasound is a valuable tool for a variety of applications in the real world.

The Ultrasound Science Kit Aligns directly with 3D Core Concepts and NGSS Standards

PS4.A: Wave Properties

Sound and Ultrasound waves are longitudinal waves that propagate through a material at a characteristic speed. This speed of sound depends on the type of material. Your students will be able to use the USKit to accurately detect wave propagation and measure sound speed. (HS-PS4-1)

PS4.C: Information Technologies and Instrumentation

Multiple technologies based on the understanding of waves and their interactions with matter are part of everyday technology in the modern world (e.g., medical imaging, material testing, self driving cars) and in scientific research. (HS-PS4-5)

PS3.A: Definition of Energy

At the macroscopic scale, energy manifests itself in multiple ways, such as in motion, sound, light, and heat. (HS-PS3-2),(HS-PS3-3)

Ultrasound Science Kit


IntelaMetrix® A-Mode ultrasound device operating at 2.5 MHz. This safe and compact device plugs into your computer USB port (Windows, Android and Mac compatible). Durable and robust components make it practical for classroom setting.

Material Samples including plexiglas and silicone rubber that can be used to illustrate the difference in sound speed depending on material.

Ultrasound Gel, used for scanning and to insure good coupling between the ultrasound device and sample.

Software (for Windows, Android, or Mac) which can be used to measure sound speed in materials and capture cross-sectional scans of tissue structure.

What Curriculum and Teaching Aids Are Included?

The Ultrasound Science Kit comes with everything a teacher needs for successful course implementation:

- Common Core aligned lesson plans for Grades 9-12 that include Access for All students.
- Introductory Waves & Ultrasound PowerPoint.
- Step-by-step PowerPoint Lesson for students.
- Student Worksheets.
- Sample quizzes.

If you would like more information:

Contact us at (925) 606-7044, or submit an inquiry from our Contact Us page.